
You Researches Nile River Conflict Policy

Aug. 25, 2023 —
The Nile River in northeastern Africa is heavily relied upon for survival and livelihood. It supplies drinking water, irrigation for crops, fish and hydroelectricity. But the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Upper Nile, which represents Africa's largest hydropower project, is at the center of a conflict involving Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan. Northern Michigan University assistant professor Jongeun You examined the policy setting related to the GERD conflict, which could apply to comparable cases across different contexts. His research paper was published in World Water Policy.

Student Researches Freshwater Acidification

Jul. 24, 2023 —
Northern  Michigan University biology student Maddy Saddler will address freshwater acidification and its implications for the Great Lakes ecosystem during a Thursday, July 27 presentation in her hometown of Alpena. She will give details about her role as a research intern working on the ongoing freshwater acidification monitoring project with Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, and Michigan Sea Grant. 

Improv Training Can Ease Social Anxiety

Jul. 7, 2023 —
Some people are apprehensive about participating in improv comedy because of its unscripted format that requires quick thinking to play off unpredictable ideas presented by others on stage or in the audience. But Northern Michigan University assistant professor Peter Felsman is the lead author of a published study providing the first evidence that improv training can significantly reduce a common trait of social anxiety and depression: discomfort with uncertainty.

Cumberlidge Attends Workshop in Berlin

Jun. 30, 2023 —
NMU BIology Professor Neil Cumberlidge recently attended a week-long freshwater crab workshop at the Museum für Naturkunde (Natural History Museum) in Berlin, Germany. He joined international colleagues working on new collections of freshwater crabs resulting from the group's biological surveys of three central and West African biodiversity hotspots in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sierra Leone.

NMU Researches Hemp for PFAS Remediation

Jun. 13, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University researchers are exploring the feasibility of using hemp to remediate soil contaminated with PFAS, a group of manufactured chemicals that make a wide range of industry and consumer products non-stick, greaseproof and flame retardant. NMU Chemistry Professor Lesley Putman said the hope is that hemp will not only draw up PFAS from the ground, but ultimately be able to degrade them, unlike the typical and more costly remediation methods using granular activated charcoal or reverse osmosis.

Three Minute Thesis Winners Announced

Feb. 24, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University held its annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, during which students present their research in a compressed format using a single slide and layperson-friendly language. Nathan Joyal, an integrated biology major, finished first in the graduate student category for summarizing his research on the relative commercial viability of growing cannabis in “organic super soil” compared with soil treated with salt-based commercial fertilizer. Adan Mulvaney, a communications major, took top honors among McNair Scholars for her research on female-identifying youth in scouting.

Biology Lab Studies Burbot

Feb. 16, 2023 —
A Northern Michigan University biology lab is researching burbot, an understudied native cold-water fish that exists throughout the Great Lakes. Graduate students, undergraduates and even a high school intern are gaining biological knowledge of the species' development and characteristics.

Cumberlidge Research Featured in 'The Guardian'

Dec. 1, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University Biology Professor Neil Cumberlidge collaborated on a Sierra Leone expedition that located two land-dwelling crab species “lost to science” and feared to be extinct. For one, last spotted 225 years ago, the only clue was a specimen label that read “Sierra Leone.” The team's work was featured in The Guardian in November as part of a series on rediscovered species by prominent British journalist and photographer Graeme Green.