CTE Magazine Available Online

CTE magazine cover

The new edition of Career Technical Education (CTE) magazine, produced by Northern Michigan University, is now available online. The annual publication includes information on high-demand, high-skill and relatively high-wage occupations, along with the available training and educational pathways to achieve employment in those fields.

"The purpose of the magazine is to provide students with the information they need to make the best possible career decisions," said Stu Bradley of the CTE Committee. "We believe that it is extremely important for students to have a realistic career direction that matches their abilities and interests with the jobs available locally.”

The magazine includes information about high school CTE programs, with possible internships in construction, drafting and welding. It also covers NMU programs and paid apprenticeships. View the 2023 issue here

Prepared By

Ian McCullough
Student Writer

Categories: Around NMU