Ann Arbor Film Fest Tour Stops at NMU

Northern Michigan University will host the Ann Arbor Film Festival Traveling Tour from 7-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25, in the NMU Art and Design Building 165. The tour features digital programs of six experimental animated, documentary and narrative videos. This event is free and open to the public.

Videos will include “Sky Room” by Marianna Milhorat; Bernd Lützeler's Camera Threat (Kodak Cinematic Vision Award); Akosua Adoma Owusu's “Mahogany Too”; “Growing Girl” by Marnie Ellen Hertzler (Prix DeVarti for Funniest Film); Jennifer Proctor's “Nothing a Little Soap and Water Can't Fix” (Cutters Studios Archival Film Award) and “Silica” by Pia Borg (Gil Omenn Art & Science Award).

The Ann Arbor Film Festival is a pioneer of the traveling film festival tour that launched in 1964. The 56th installment will visit galleries, art house theaters, universities and media arts centers throughout the world through February 2019.

Prepared By

Carley Dole
Student Writer