Board Approves Union MOU, Committee Appointments

The Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees approved the previously signed Memorandum of Understanding between NMU and its Technical, Office and Professional (TOP) union, UAW Local 1950, at a special meeting held virtually this morning. The MOU accelerates the wage scale timeline, increasing the minimum hourly rate from $12.75 to $15.10, effective Jan. 24. About 70% of members will receive some boost in hourly pay.

New hire rates will also increase immediately for each classification: 4A, 4B and 4C. All other annual increases, as noted in the current agreement, will be maintained. There was no wage reopener in that agreement, which is why the university administration and union leadership pursued the change through a Memorandum of Understanding.

“This will ensure that all TOP employees at Northern make $15.10 per hour effective with the date of the MOU rather than having to wait until July 1, 2025 to reach that minimum level,” said Gavin Leach, NMU vice president for Finance and Administration. “We believe this change will enhance NMU's ability to attract and retain top employees in the local market.”

Chair Steve Young and Vice Chair Alexis Hart praised both university and union leadership for their collaborative effort to draft and sign the MOU quickly.

“One reason we wanted to hold this meeting today was so that the new hourly minimum would be reflected in the next paycheck,” Young added.

The board approved the following committee appointments for calendar year 2023, with spaces reserved for three new trustees to be appointed by the governor:

-Finance: Alexis Hart, chair; Greg Seppanen; Missie Holmquist; and a new appointee

-Academic Affairs: Lisa Fittante, chair; Greg Seppanen; and two slots reserved for new appointees.

-Executive: Young, chair; Hart; and Fittante

-Ad Hoc Policy Review: Holmquist, chair; Fittante; and two slots reserved for new appointees

Young also announced that Fittante and Hart will be ex-officio appointments to the NMU Foundation Board of Trustees.

Prepared By

Kristi Evans
News Director

Categories: Around NMU