Excellence in Scholarship: Stacy Boyer-Davis

Boyer-Davis (middle) with President Brock Tessman and College of Business Dean Carol Johnson

Stacy Boyer-Davis is a tenured assistant professor in accounting, in addition to being very productive scholar. Her commitment to scholarship has elevated the research profile of the College of Business by her productivity and active research agenda. In the past few years, she has had 13 published/accepted top-tier (A) quality peer-reviewed journal article publications with one additional publication currently in review.

In addition, Boyer-Davis has conducted 14 peer-reviewed research presentations at national, state and regional levels. She was selected and presented the keynote speaker address for a national academic conference, also peer-reviewed. She has eight published, refereed conference proceedings to her credit.

Boyer-Davis is very collaborative in her research. She has co-authored several of her journal articles with peers both in-discipline and out. She is a scholarly academic according to the current AACSB standards and has significant research impact with 115 citations to date and growing, and 4,600 publication reads, according to Google Scholar. ResearchGate ranks her at an 85.8 Research Interest Score and a total of 4,674 reads to date.

Her work mentoring student research has resulted in four research projects with NMU College of Business graduate students. Of those, three resulted in co-published, peer-reviewed academic research articles, all in top (A) journals with acceptance rates at less than 20%, and one national conference paper presentation.

Prepared By

Kristi Evans
News Director

Categories: Around NMU