Excellence in Service: Jean Shaw

Shaw with President Brock Tessman

Northern Michigan University Dining Services member Jean Shaw received an Excellence in Service Award for her attendance, punctuality and dedication to NMU. She proves these qualities through her willingness to come in early or stay late, covering extra shifts and overtime hours. Shaw maintains a consistently helpful and positive attitude and cares about her coworkers, student team members, supervisors and the students she serves.

Shaw has worked in almost every area of Dining Services and provides feedback and suggestions for improvements so solutions can be developed. She upholds high standards for cleanliness, organization and service while offering assistance to coworkers and contributing to a strong sense of community. Shaw shares her homemade treats with the dining team and makes sure everyone tries time by delivering them across campus.

NMU is appreciative of her consistent hard work, dedication and willingness to work overtime and ensure the operation is covered.

Prepared By

Julia Seitz
Student Writer

Categories: Around NMU