Free Seizure Recognition and First Aid Training Offered

The Northern Michigan University Center for Rural Health is partnering with the Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan to offer Seizure Recognition and First Aid Training on Monday, Nov. 13. The training runs from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Northern Center's Peninsula II room. It's free and open to the public, thanks to funding from the Michigan Pediatric Epilepsy Project, but a reservation is required.

In Michigan, 108,000 people live with epilepsy. The course aims to increase the knowledge, skill and confidence in applying seizure first aid. This information is presented in an interactive format with animations, videos and activities to enhance the learning experience.

The learning objectives are: defining seizures and epilepsy; identifying correct and incorrect steps for helping a person having a seizure; and when it would be necessary to call emergency personnel in the event of a seizure. Participants who complete the course and post-assessment survey will receive a two-year certification.

Register for the course here.

Prepared By

Julia Seitz
Student Writer

Categories: Around NMU, Strategic Plan