A visual arts exhibit revolving around the themes of identity, power and social justice will be on display Nov. 30-Dec. 15 in the Olson Library Atrium at Northern Michigan University. It is a collaboration involving two NMU entities: the School of Art and Design and the French program. A catered opening reception will be held from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8.
The visual arts and literary exhibit features advanced students' unique art pieces and analytical English translations of 20th-century French literary and critical works.
“The semester-long project and its resulting displays encourage discussion about the themes of identity, power and social justice that drive, influence and shape our close community, our nation, and—on a wider scale—the world,” said languages professor Nelly Kupper, whose class collaborated with an art and design class taught by Tim Cleary.
For additional information, please contact Kupper at nkupper@nmu.edu, or Cleary at tcleary@nmu.edu.