NCLL Offers Talk on Medicinal Plant Chemistry

The Northern Center for Lifelong Learning will offer a presentation on Northern Michigan University's medicinal plant chemistry program. Mark Paulsen, head of the NMU Department of Chemistry, will discuss the program, answer related questions and lead an optional tour of the new lab that is under construction from 1-3 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13, in West Science room 2902. The registration deadline is Thursday, Dec. 6.

Paulsen will address the rationale for developing the program, along with the academic requirements, expectations and career options. 

The cost to attend is $3 for NCLL members and $6 for non-members. Register by calling 227-2979. For more information, contact event liaison Sandi Poindexter at 361-1820.

Prepared By

Von Lanier
Student Writer

Categories: Around NMU