PBS North's 'Native Report' Highlights NMU

NMU Professor April Lindala in a screen capture from the TV program.

Northern Michigan University's Center for Native American Studies is featured prominently at the beginning of a PBS North "Native Report" episode addressing Indigenous education. The episode premiered on the Duluth-Superior station earlier this year and has aired on other PBS affiliates since, including a June 16 broadcast on WSWP-TV in West Virginia. Professor April Lindala (pictured), along with recent graduate and current master's in social work student Shelby Boggs, were interviewed for the piece. View the full episode on PBS or YouTube.

Lindala also holds three degrees from NMU: a 1997 bachelor's in speech communication with a minor in Native American Studies; a 2003 master of arts in English; and a 2006 MFA in English with a concentration in creative non-fiction writing.

Another Northern alumna, Lisa McGeshick, appears later in the same program during a segment on Watersmeet Township School, which she serves as school board vice president. She is also president of the Lac Vieux Desert Education Committee and deputy tribal historic preservation officer. McGeshick earned a bachelor's in sociology/liberal arts in 2007 and an MAE in Educational Administration/Supervision in 2020. 

Prepared By

Kristi Evans
News Director