Seaborg Center Offers College for Kids Jr.

College for Kids Jr. graphic

The College for Kids Jr. program at Northern Michigan University's Seaborg Center provides hands-on, minds-on experiences for children in grades K-6 within science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The next classes will be offered from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 23, and/or Saturday, April 20.

Inspiring creativity and curiosity, the program aims to enable young students to understand and influence the world around them. Some classes have reached their full capacity, but the following currently have availability:

  1. Grades 5-6: Aquatic Escapades, March 23: “Embark on an adventure with aquatic escapades! Dive into the fun at our interactive water tables as we explore the relationship between surface water, groundwater, and human impacts. Come make a splash!”

  2. Grades 5-6: Building Cell Cities, April 20: “Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. Even though they are too small to see, our imaginative team of builders will dive into the awesome world of cells.  Join our group of creative architects as we explore what cells look like, what they are composed of, and how they work to keep us alive—all through the creation of our own cell cities!”

There is a $15 registration fee for each class. Register at the College for Kids Jr. link off the Seaborg's student programs website at

Prepared By

Ashley Kluting
Student Writer

Categories: Around NMU