Sled Hockey Event at NMU Feb. 16

Sled hockey athletes

Northern Michigan University's Berry Events Center will host an opportunity for members of the campus and Marquette-area communities to try out sled hockey, a sport adapted for athletes with physical disabilities. This free event begins at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16; no registration is required. Protective equipment such as helmets, elbow pads and hockey gloves will be loaned to attendees who participate.

Sled hockey follows most of the typical ice hockey rules, with the exception of some of the equipment. Players sit in specially designed sleds that sit atop two hockey skate blades. They use two sticks instead of one, and the sticks have metal picks on the ends to help players propel themselves across the ice.

“Our goal is to spread awareness for the sport in the community, especially among the campus' disabled community, and hopefully recruit some new players,” said Mitchell Grahek, the NMU student organizing the event. “Everyone is invited to take part in the event, regardless of body ability, to try out the sport and see what it is all about.”

Grahek said he wanted to take the lead on putting the event together, in part because he volunteers and coaches with the Marquette Sled Cats and noticed there were no students on the team.

“This seemed odd to me for a school and a community where hockey is such a big part of the culture,” he added. “I have also noticed, as a student of NMU, that there seemed to be a lack of events hosted with the disabled community in mind. I thought this would be a perfect way to bring the two together, and I will say that I am encouraged by the support and enthusiasm I have received from everyone involved.”

Prepared By

Brynn Turnquist
Student Writer

Categories: Around NMU, Strategic Plan