Students Earn MAB Awards

From left: Manzo, Lahtinen and Colburn, and Forsythe

May multimedia journalism graduate Kobe Manzo won two of the three awards presented in the College Visual Sports Feature category by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters. WUPX Station Manager Lauren Lahtinen and Assistant Station Manager Sam Colburn won two statewide awards in the College Audio category. Multimedia production major Trevor Forsythe won the Stephen A. Marks Foundation Scholarship, awarded annually to one NMU student who exhibits professional promise within the broadcast industry. All were among 13 Northern Michigan University students who attended the MAB Student Broadcast Awards event in Lansing.

Communication and Media Studies Department Head Mark Shevy and Professor Dwight Brady accompanied the students on the trip.

Manzo's production, "Hungarian Hockey Players," earned first place in the state. His other video, "A Dream Fulfilled," won honorable mention. Lahtinen and Colburn won second place in the Audio Talk Show category for their "Archives on Air - Radio History" broadcast. They received honorable mention in the Audio Sports Feature category for their "Sports Shorts - Women's Rugby" broadcast. 

The NMU students competed against schools such as Michigan State and Central Michigan University to win these awards. 

Preceding the awards ceremony, Emily Wilkins, CNBC correspondent and president of The National Press Club, gave a keynote talk about the state of the journalism industry and the great need for curious and creative professionals who can provide accurate information to the public. 

After the ceremony, Shevy said the students and faculty represented NMU and did professional networking at a college and career fair.

"A representative of another college said to me, 'You really have a lot of great things going at NMU, lately! How did you do it?' I answered, 'We spend as much time with our students as we can, so we can know better what they need and work with them at an individual level.' The representative replied, 'That's because at NMU you can do that!'

For more information on Communication and Media Studies programs, visit

Part of the NMU delegation at the college/career fair.
Part of the NMU delegation at the college/career fair.
Prepared By

Kristi Evans
News Director

Categories: Around NMU