
Global Wildlife Study During COVID-19 Shows Rural Animals More Sensitive to Human Activity

Mar. 18, 2024 —
One of the largest studies on wildlife activity—involving more than 220 researchers 163 mammal species and 5,000 camera traps worldwide—reveals that wild animals react differently to humans depending on where the animals live and what they eat. Northern Michigan University Biology Associate Professor Diana Lafferty is among the coauthors of a paper that was published today in Nature Ecology and Evolution.

A Case Study in Vaccine Sharing Across Nations

Mar. 4, 2024 —
Immunizations are an essential component of public health against infectious diseases. A Northern Michigan University assistant professor co-authored a recent publication that contends the COVID-19 pandemic provides a case study for how social equity is a global issue. Dr. Jongeun You in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration examined vaccine sharing policies across nations and found a significant imbalance in the international distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to lower-income nations, leading to severe disparities in access and vaccination rates.

Diversity in STEM Addressed

Feb. 2, 2024 —
NMU's Biology Department will host Diversity in STEM Week activities Feb. 5-9. On a related note, Associate Professor Diana Lafferty and NMU alumni Tru Hubbard and Sarah Trujillo co-authored a recent scientific journal publication titled “A Path Forward: Creating an Academic Culture of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.” They analyzed faculty hiring data and practices, addressed how a lack of diverse representation impacts STEM disciplines—particularly ecology, evolution and conservation biology (EECB)—and suggested a model for change. 

U.S. Water Sector Vulnerable to Cyber Threats, Professor Says

Oct. 18, 2023 —
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, drawing attention to potential threats and the importance of having adequate safeguards in place to thwart hackers. Critical infrastructure components can be primary targets because any disruptions in their operation can have a widespread impact. Northern Michigan University assistant professor of political science Jongeun You recently wrote an article for the IBM Center for the Business of Government that contends the U.S. water sector is particularly vulnerable.

Mittlefehldt Receives Magnaghi Research Grant

Sep. 15, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University Professor Sarah Mittlefehldt has been awarded the Grace Magnaghi Upper Peninsula Research Grant for her project, “Distilling the Forest: A History of Liquid Biofuels in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.” The project focuses on the production of methanol out of wood, the unintended consequences of doing so, and what can be learned from what was once the largest wood distillery in the world—the Cliffs Dow Chemical Company in Marquette, Mich.

NMU Receives $413K Instrumentation Award to Advance Neuroscience Research

Sep. 7, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University's Department of Psychological Science has received a $413,000 National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation award to facilitate a new frontier in human neuroscience research that could transform the field. NMU will use the funds to acquire an integrated system that assesses the cause-and-effect brain-behavior relationships underlying social interactions and other aspects of human behavior, which could have implications for those with depression, anxiety or addiction disorders. 

You Researches Nile River Conflict Policy

Aug. 25, 2023 —
The Nile River in northeastern Africa is heavily relied upon for survival and livelihood. It supplies drinking water, irrigation for crops, fish and hydroelectricity. But the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Upper Nile, which represents Africa's largest hydropower project, is at the center of a conflict involving Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan. Northern Michigan University assistant professor Jongeun You examined the policy setting related to the GERD conflict, which could apply to comparable cases across different contexts. His research paper was published in World Water Policy.