Film Explores U.P. Teams that Played the Packers

Nov. 3, 2020 —
They toiled in Upper Peninsula mines and mills. But on weekends, the muscles forged by the sweat of their labor would be on display against some of the NFL's finest football teams. This rich deposit of U.P. football history is being unearthed in a new television documentary titled "Linked to Legends: The U.P. Teams that Played the Packers." The film by Northern Michigan University Professor Dwight Brady will debut later this month on WNMU-TV.

Provost First to Complete UPCI Certification

Nov. 3, 2020 —
NMU alumnus William Provost ('20 BS, '13 MA, '10 BS) recently became the first to complete a course and certification offered through NMU's Upper Peninsula Cybersecurity Institute (UPCI), which opened on campus in May 2019. The UPCI offers non-degree and industry credentials relevant to emerging careers, augments NMU's existing cyber defense bachelor's degree and provides career exploration and training opportunities for K-12 school districts.