NMU Quiz Bowl Wins Home Tourney

Dec. 5, 2018 —
A Northern Michigan University Quiz Bowl team won an intercollegiate tournament held Dec. 1 at NMU. Four squads from Northern took on two squads from Michigan Tech in the double round-robin tournament. The teams were playing for the Superior Cup, a traveling trophy that is held by the top collegiate quiz bowl team in the Upper Peninsula. The NMU A team finished with a perfect 10-0 record to win the tournament and keep the Superior Cup in Marquette.

Researchers Assess Animal Model of Mental Illness

Nov. 29, 2018 —

A chance discovery of unexpected behavioral changes in genetically modified mice prompted two Northern Michigan University researchers to embark on an interdisciplinary project. If their collaboration reveals the mice more closely replicate mental illness in humans than existing animal models, it could lead to increased understanding of human psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and more effective drug treatments. Erich Ottem of Biology and Adam Prus of Psychological Science received a Northern PRIME grant to support their research.

Grant Supports Consent Awareness Campaign

Nov. 29, 2018 —

Northern Michigan University has received about $15,400 through the Michigan Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program to support an awareness campaign titled “Consent: Back to Basics.” The topic plays a pivotal role in sexual assault cases, yet student feedback obtained through an NMU survey supported by a previous program grant indicated that a number of students do not have a clear understanding of what constitutes consent.