Faculty Awards Presented

(From left): Carlson, Doney, Jeevar, Lubig, Cameron-Standerford, Steve VandenAvond, Tessman, Thompson, Kapla, Logan, Boyer-Davis, Digneit, Ziegler and Johnson.

Eight Northern Michigan University faculty members selected to receive 2022-23 awards of excellence for teaching, scholarship and leadership were honored at an April 6 celebration on campus. In comments before the presentations, NMU President Brock Tessman said he highly anticipated attending his first such event in his new role. He was a faculty member before ascending through the administrative ranks.

Tessman credited the faculty present at the ceremony and their colleagues across campus with creating an extraordinary academic experience for Northern students—one that he hopes to enhance as a more pronounced point of distinction during his tenure.

“Most folks don't understand the extent to which the role of a faculty members goes well beyond the classroom lecture and extends into research, applied scholarship, the scholarship of teaching and learning, mentorship of students in terms of their career and professional development, and general support of students and their peers,” he said.

“One of the great joys of my first couple months in this job is visiting different academic departments on campus—we're on visit 25 or 26. Each department is different, but excels in its own way with a signature personality that comes through. It's a privilege to feel I'm becoming a part of this community of scholarship and teaching on this campus. In considering this as a destination for my family, the role you all play and excellence you all display as faculty was a decisive factor.”

The award recipients are (for more detailed information, click on the names):

Excellence in Teaching Award: Abby Cameron-Standerford, School of Education.

Excellence in Part-Time Faculty Teaching AwardJason Doney, School of Nursing.

Excellence in Scholarship Award: Stacy Boyer-Davis, College of Business; and Gabe Logan, History.  

Excellence in Faculty Leadership: Bill Digneit, Theatre & Dance and SISU: The Innovation Institute at NMU.

Faculty Emerging Leadership Award: Sarah Carlson, Social Work.

Technology Innovation Award: Vincent Jeevar, Psychological Science.

Excellence in Online Teaching Award and the Stephen Young & Tricia Kinley Distinguished Faculty AwardJes Thompson, College of Business.

Prepared By

Kristi Evans
News Director

Categories: Around NMU