Barnes-Hecker Mining Disaster Discussed

Oct. 14, 2022 —
The 1926 Barnes-Hecker mining disaster that occurred in western Marquette County is the topic of the next “Evening at the Archives,” a public event hosted by The Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives. Jim Paquette, NMU alumnus and retired Cleveland Cliffs Iron Mining Company safety manager, will give the presentation at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 3—also known as 

Campus Closeup: Suzi Trdan

Oct. 13, 2022 —
“Having grown up in Brighton, Mich., on a dirt road, getting my hands dirty was natural. Hard work is natural,” said Suzi Trdan, retail store manager of Starbucks and Sundre at Northern Michigan University. For Trdan, who is often smiling and eager to make connections with customers, hard work truly does seem natural.