NMU Prepares for Vaccine

Feb. 16, 2021 —
Northern Michigan University's Health Center is preparing to administer COVID-19 vaccine doses when they become available. Northern does not know when doses will arrive, but will follow the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and CDC Guidelines when they do. Staff members and representatives of the university's COVID-19 response team met last week to coordinate efforts to communicate future availability, prioritize and schedule eligible groups, and plot the logistics of holding vaccine clinics in the Northern Center.

NMU Offers Creative Solution for Chinese Student

Feb. 16, 2021 —
An NMU student from China is “studying abroad” in her home country this semester. Yaqing Li had rejoined her family last spring as concerns about COVID-19 intensified, and she has not been able to return to Marquette because of lingering travel bans. Through creative intervention by Northern and one of its study abroad partners, Li is able to maintain her immigration status and continue as an NMU student while enrolled at a prestigious university that most Chinese students would not typically have an opportunity to attend.

NMU Meets All Standards of HLC Review

Feb. 16, 2021 —
Northern Michigan University has successfully completed its mid-cycle assurance review by its institutional accrediting body, the Higher Learning Commission. NMU met all 18 core components with no required follow-up monitoring. The next steps are to begin work on a quality initiative project, and to prepare for the comprehensive evaluation required to reaffirm accreditation at the end of the current cycle in 2026-27.