NMU Covid-19 Dashboard Earns A Grade

Oct. 12, 2020 —
Northern Michigan University has received an A grade for its Safe on Campus dashboard, which provides updated statistics on current and cumulative positive Covid-19 cases, quarantine/isolation counts and on-campus testing results, along with Marquette County's weekly tallies and links to related resources. The team at RateCovidDashboard.com reviewed 245 college and university sites nationwide.

NMU Blood Drive Wednesday

Oct. 12, 2020 —
Northern Michigan University nursing students are partnering with the U.P. Regional Blood Center to host a blood drive on campus from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14. The annual event falls in the midst of a critical shortage and will include additional safety precautions because of the Covid-19 virus. 

NMU Earns Silver STARS Rating

Oct. 9, 2020 —
Northern Michigan University's STARS rating, determined by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education as a measure of universities' performance related to sustainability, advanced to silver in 2020 from bronze three years ago. The rating system factors in academics and research, operations, administration/planning and engagement.