Arts and Culture

NMU, MAPS Orchestras Perform

Oct. 20, 2023 —
The Northern Michigan University Orchestra, under the direction of Barbara Rhyneer, is holding a concert at the Reynolds Recital Hall. They are performing with “Symphony Strings” from Marquette High School in a concert titled, “You Will be Found.” The 7:30 p.m. performance on Tuesday, Oct. 24, is free and open to the public.

'The Witching Hour' Concert at NMU Oct. 28

Oct. 20, 2023 —
A Halloween concert tiled "The Witching Hour," with performing artists and a costume contest, will take place at Northern Michigan University. The event begins at 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28, in the Northern Center's Grand Ballrooms. It is the second annual concert presented by Northern Michigan Artist Discovery (NoMAD). The general public pays an entry fee of $10 cash, and NMU students enter for free with a student ID.

Scheibe's Film Wins Category at L.A. Festival

Oct. 11, 2023 —
“Perhaps We Wrong Them,” a choreographed dance film that visually explores powerful themes relating to childhood trauma and its lingering effects on a survivor's everyday adult life, won Screendance Short of the Year at the 2023 Independent Shorts Awards International Film Festival in Los Angeles. The film was conceived and produced by 2015 NMU theater alumnus John Scheibe of Yonder Studio in Marquette and stars Karina Johnson, NMU director of dance and assistant professor. Alumna Kasey Scheibe served as production manager and Riley Owen was choreographer. All four walked the red carpet at the September awards ceremony.

NC Artist Gives Talk, Workshop at NMU

Oct. 9, 2023 —
North Carolina-based artist, curator and author Endia Beal will visit Northern Michigan University, where she will give a keynote presentation at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 16, in Art & Design room 165. Those who register to attend can also sign up to participate in a two-hour workshop with Beal at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18, in the Peninsula V room at the Northern Center.

Beaumier Exhibit Looks at Lewis Cass Expedition

Oct. 6, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University's Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center is featuring a landmark exhibition titled “Claiming Michigan: The 1820 Expedition of Lewis Cass.” The governor of the Michigan territory and 35 companions traveled from Detroit to what would become Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. The exhibit includes a 30-foot replica voyageur canoe on loan from La Compagnie Historical Society of Minnesota, dozens of images, journal excerpts, detailed narrative information and large-format maps.

Concerts Feature NMU Choral Groups and High School Choirs

Oct. 5, 2023 —
Northern Michigan University's vocal ensembles, under the direction of Erin Colwitz, will present two free performances this month in Reynolds Recital Hall. The NMU Arts Chorale will join participating U.P. high school groups for the NMU Choral Festival evening concert at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9. It will also perform with the NMU Choir in a fall concert titled "Women in Music" at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15.