NMU Enters Phase II of Strategic Plan Development

Jun. 30, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University has embarked on the second phase of developing an interim strategic plan that will provide an onramp for Northern's next president. Following NMU Board of Trustees' approval of the initial proposal presented in late April, steering committees representing faculty, staff and alumni are working over the summer to build action plans for five focus areas identified in the plan.

MPA Grad New Sault Tribal Chair

Jun. 30, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University alumnus DJ Hoffman was appointed chair of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians during a special board of directors meeting on June 27. He served as vice chair from 2016-22 and also two years as secretary. Hoffman earned a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree from NMU. 

Bausano Retires After 41 Years in Music Education

Jun. 28, 2022 —
William Bausano, a 1973 music education alumnus, has embarked on a well-earned retirement after 41 years with Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The Upper Peninsula native conducted two choirs—the Chamber Singers and Choraliers—and taught choral conducting and techniques courses. One of his colleagues called him “an institution” and “the cornerstone” of the voice department.