Fini Created Popular Navy Growler Videos

Jun. 2, 2022 —
The long-awaited sequel to "Top Gun" has hit movie theaters, treating viewers to another round of visually engaging and intense flying sequences. NMU alumnus and U.S. Navy Lt. Zach Fini put his media production degree to use creating videos that project a similar feel, but in an authentic context depicting actual Navy Growler pilots, not actors. Assembling live footage from jet cockpits and the flight deck, along with musical backdrops, he produced some of YouTube's most popular Navy cruise videos. 

Feamster Named to Collegiate Task Force

May. 26, 2022 —
Northern Michigan University student Gwen Feamster, a political science major from Linden, Mich., has been selected to serve on the Michigan Department of State's Collegiate Student Advisory Task Force. She is among 25 undergraduates chosen from more than 200 applicants who will act as civic engagement liaisons between the Secretary of State's office and their campuses throughout 2022.

NMU Play Earns 14 National Awards

May. 24, 2022 —
The Northern Michigan University Department of Theatre and Dance world-premiere production of Above the Timberline won 14 special achievement awards at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival national awards ceremony, a virtual event streamed May 21 from Washington, D.C. Productions from institutions invited to the eight regional festivals held earlier this year were eligible for national recognition of the outstanding work by individuals and ensembles.